
Page Details To Click On!

  • Crown Chakra -- "Updates" You Will Read Updates Of What's Going On With My Life.

  • Third Eye Chakra -- "Clairvoyant Astrologer Psychic Medium" Going Deeper Into What I Actually Do As An Clairvoyant.

  • Throat Chakra -- "North Star Guide" Links To Different Websites That I Use To Express Myself.

  • Heart Chakra -- "Expressing In Vibrations" The Section That Connects To My Heart In Music.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra -- "Want To Tap Into My Stars?" Looking Deeper Into My Astrology Chart And Who I Am As A Person.

  • Sacral Chakra -- "The Hermit Purple Virgo Moon" The Home Page To Read About Any New Updates For The PureLunarPisces Online Website!

  • Base Chakra -- "The Fire Pisces Sun" Who's Katherine Selene? 

Updates About Blog

I Sense Something Strange Lately And I Needed To Hide The Blog For Now. I Will Use The Main Page To Give Small Updates. I Will Open My Blog Back Up When I Sense A Calmer Energy. I'm Sorry Guys 💕! 

Check Out What's Going On Under Crown Chakra! You Will See New Updates Of What's Going On With Me!

Welcome In! New Updated Page!

A Year Has Passed Since May 2023 Transition And I Have Seen A Lot Of Tower Moments Crumble Down. I Am Still Climbing Up To The Top With Unknown Idea Of What's Happening Next. I Am Going Through My Walk Path As Calm As Possible. Things Seem Foggy To Me Because Of The Pisces In Saturn. Saturn Is The Justice Trial Within Our Life Path And Pisces Is About Illusions Mixed With Reality. Currently As A Pisces Sun Dealing With Mercury Aquarius In The 12th House Of Pisces. It's Difficult To Balance Myself During The Positive And Negative Of Things. I Am Not Sure What's Good Or Bad During This Change. I Think Currently What I Have To Focus On Is "Balance" And Being "Grounded"

Welcome In! Thank You For Joining! And I Hope You Will Enjoy All The Relatable, Educational And Fun Facts Of Blog Pages. 
My Blog Is About Growth Within The Spiritual Awakening That I Am Going Through. I've Been Changing And I've Been Noticing A Huge Difference About Myself. I Am Not Trauma Dumping.. I Am Just Sharing Life Experiences That Can Be Relatable. Sometimes People Need To Speak Up And Share About How They Were Able To Learn, Grow And Become One With The Divine. I Wasn't So Spiritual Until May 2021. Strangely Enough I Found Out.. I Was Created In May And I Almost Died In May 1st. I Had A Terrible Situation Recently With Death. I've Lost My Best Friend Of 23 Years And She Was My Middle School Friend. Losing That Energy Has Shifted Me Strongly. I've Deleted, Blocked And Moved Away From Connections. I've Been Very Selective With My Communication.. My Scorpio Pluto In The 9th House Of Occultist, Higher Education, Divine Purpose Has Woken Me Up. I Am Basically Like A Scorpio Rising Even Though I Am An Aquarius Rising. 

I Am Now A Keen.Com Astrologer Psychic Reader That Connects With The Sun And Moon To Tap Into Your Energy. I Will Be Able To Channel Within Your Energy By Feeling The Moon Aura. Hopefully You Will Want A Reading With Me! The Link Is On This Blog!
:) Enjoy!